Estimation of gene effects and combining ability of latent period of stripe rust in advanced lines of wheat

Document Type : Research Paper




Four advanced breeding lines of wheat which had appeared to be resistant to stripe rust in the past years along with a susceptible variety, Bolani, were intercrossed in all combinations of a half-diallel design. Seedlings were grown in greenhouse until the first leaves fully expanded and then inoculated with two pathotypes (races) 6E134A+ and 134E148A+, separately. Days to the first pustule eruption was recorded as latent period. Diallel analysis was performed by two methods of Griffing, and Jinks and Hayman. M-78-1 and M-78-10 were known as the best general combiners for longer latent period. Results of the analysis of variance of Wr+Vr and Wr-Vr, Wr/Vr regression analysis and estimates of genetic parameters indicated the importance of both additive and non-additive gene effects. Broad-sense heritability was 98% for both pathotypes. Narrow-sense heritability was 65% and 80% for 6E134A+ and 134E148A+ pathotypes, respectively.
